Services & Fees

The forms listed below are generally designed for lending purposes.  For Homeowners, Buyers, Real Estate Agents, & Estates - see right column.




Single Family

FNMA 1004 (URAR)Interior & Exterior


FHAInterior & Exterior$450
FNMA 2055Exterior Only$300


FNMA 1073Interior & Exterior$450
FHAInterior & Exterior$450
FNMA 1075Exterior Only$300

2-4 Unit Homes

FNMA 1025Interior & Exterior$600

Additional Services

Vacant Land

Vacant Land Appraisal$400
FNMA 1007Rent Schedule$150
FNMA 216Operating Income Statement$100
FNMA 1004DCertification of Completion$150

FNMA 2075

Property Inspection Report$150

Field Review

One Unit Field Review$450

Desk Review 

One Unit Desk Review$300

Please call about forms not listed above.
Prices may vary for atypical or high value properties.

$325 Appraisal

  • Homeowners
  • Buyers
  • RE Agents
  • Estates

The forms on the left are usually lender specific forms (conventional & FHA).

For others, there are the 
General Purpose forms.

An appraisal completed on one of these from saves us time and money as they are designed for non-lender valuations.


full appraisals


on most homes.

Performed by an appraiser with 29 years experience in the Tampa Bay area.

The report is performed

on the

General Purpose Consumer Short Form.

The values reported on the General Purpose forms are just as reliable as the lender forms.

We are always available for questions.